dimanche 23 avril 2017

mind traps affecting traders

There is a lot of educational information on google search about mind traps and also pdfs.The same mind traps apply to trading.

There is an underlying layer of consciousness—call it the automatic mind—that processes information automatically without conscious awareness. We engage our automatic mind in virtually everything we do. While putting on a trade , for example, our conscious attention may be focused on what so-and-so said today while our automatic mind is fast at work continually calibrating the movements of our hands on the mouse . We shift seamlessly to conscious attention whenever the need arises ("Better get to the right. My exit is coming up."), but otherwise we execute thousands of discrete movements of hand with little if any direct awareness of them. Think about it: Are you aware of how many times you entered and exited trades without any reasons?

Further reading
seach google with words "psychological mind traps pdf".


The Article is informing where traders can mess up with information processing ,traders must trade by processing information. Unfortunately, humans are not very effective information processors. We have a lot of influences that enter into information processing related to trading decisions.Traders who sit infront of screens are more at risk to misprocessing information.

Traders trade their beliefs ,cognitive biases and related distortions ,emotions ,stress responses (rective patterns ,freezing on trigger ,mistakes etc),subjective anylysis ,personality( Perfectionism ,Worry ,Overconfidence,
Negative Thinking.Self-blame etc),state of mind ,current body condition (tired ,fatigue,sleepless) and other influences .The trading phsychology is a complex subject ,the author has given a summary.


Attached Files
File Type: doc Remapping the Mind.doc (54.5 KB)
File Type: pdf ram174.pdf (39.4 KB)

mind traps affecting traders

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