dimanche 28 mai 2017

Terrorism. New approach !

Can something be done ?


The current policy of just trying to capture the perpetrators isn't good enough.
Terrorist cells need nipping in the bud.
1.To do this many sting operations need to be mounted. Preferably by fellow muslims.
2. There should be a hotline for people who think they are being targeted by the extremists. They should be given anonymity and counselling. Preferably by fellow muslims who can see murder is wrong. The ring leaders would be put in jail.
3. For every death caused by terrorists there should be a doctrine of collective responsibility. So if say a Lybian is guilty of a killing, then the terrorist's family and friends should be sent back after paying compensation to the victims and their families. If their assetts are insufficient then the local mosque should be held responsible.The bomber will probably have committed suicide.

Trump may just have the balls to do something on these lines rather than accuse the wrong countries.
The Europeans haven't got what it takes as yet.

Terrorism. New approach !

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