Hi all experienced T2W members
I wanted to write a little bit about recent and seem to be ongoing events and its reference to the Community Constitution regarding just one person :
Foroom lluzers
Wow, this guy seems to be making quite a stir around these parts and Im not entirely sure why so many people are pissed. So, I thought I would throw in my 5 cents nonetheless.
I can clearly see people allowing themselves to be wound up by Foroom, this I dont know why and have not gone back through the many . Many posts that have been written including all the threads started. In fact it reminds me a little of the older days when most of the stuff we all wrote on a day to day basis was crap and for the luls and everyone would get up in arms. I refuse to be in any camp by writing this post as I am an individual with an individual mindset.
Most of the posts written or rehashed by Foroom are ignored by me through choice not by feature of the site but simply by not reading them as they are either not relevant to me or do not bother me. However, I must admit to finding some of his posts, content and discussions very good and insightful.
My only advice for those upset with his content would be to ignore him on the posts that you find rubbish and not by using the feature but by simply not replying or reading the posts, or put simply, not giving a flying f**k. At worst his posts cause debate or not whichever is ones preference. Its all very good for us to get involved and debate, even argue but I'm concerned that it may go too far and end in a witch hunt or disgruntled members coming to the end of their days on a forum.
We should stick together as a great community, thick and thin. Argue and hate but when the day ends, its all love and roses. Obviously this doesn't extend to clear and present trolls and those that share nothing but crap, but I'm sure the mods would do a swift job in banning such people. I don't believe for a second that Foroom belongs in this camp and wouldn't want this to turn in to a witch hunt whereby all gangs up on the one. That would be unfair and unjust. Of course, if i'm wrong, then the mods can remove posts etc and hand out warnings.
I wanted to write a little bit about recent and seem to be ongoing events and its reference to the Community Constitution regarding just one person :
Foroom lluzers
Wow, this guy seems to be making quite a stir around these parts and Im not entirely sure why so many people are pissed. So, I thought I would throw in my 5 cents nonetheless.
I can clearly see people allowing themselves to be wound up by Foroom, this I dont know why and have not gone back through the many . Many posts that have been written including all the threads started. In fact it reminds me a little of the older days when most of the stuff we all wrote on a day to day basis was crap and for the luls and everyone would get up in arms. I refuse to be in any camp by writing this post as I am an individual with an individual mindset.
Most of the posts written or rehashed by Foroom are ignored by me through choice not by feature of the site but simply by not reading them as they are either not relevant to me or do not bother me. However, I must admit to finding some of his posts, content and discussions very good and insightful.
My only advice for those upset with his content would be to ignore him on the posts that you find rubbish and not by using the feature but by simply not replying or reading the posts, or put simply, not giving a flying f**k. At worst his posts cause debate or not whichever is ones preference. Its all very good for us to get involved and debate, even argue but I'm concerned that it may go too far and end in a witch hunt or disgruntled members coming to the end of their days on a forum.
We should stick together as a great community, thick and thin. Argue and hate but when the day ends, its all love and roses. Obviously this doesn't extend to clear and present trolls and those that share nothing but crap, but I'm sure the mods would do a swift job in banning such people. I don't believe for a second that Foroom belongs in this camp and wouldn't want this to turn in to a witch hunt whereby all gangs up on the one. That would be unfair and unjust. Of course, if i'm wrong, then the mods can remove posts etc and hand out warnings.
Community Constitution (spirit)
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