mercredi 5 avril 2017

What is the mechanism for trading shares

Hello everyone,

I have had a question for a long time. I don't really understand the forex,cfd's, shares mechanism. It is a bit paradoxal. I am not a novice trader but I don't understand this elementary thing.

In fact we are betting on the shares/cfd's/currency rate. If our bet is winning we receive money. My question is : From where do we receive this money?
For example : If we trade cfds ( cfds are kind of contracts with the broker right ?) from where woud the broker take money to give it us ?

It is the same thing for shares. We trade the share price right ? So where does our income come from ?

I hope I was enough clear, If not don't hesitate to ask me to explain more. I know that my english is not the best one :D

Thank you

What is the mechanism for trading shares

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