vendredi 19 août 2016

Liquid Millionaire, drying up?

It's been a few years so how are the Sutherland Boys performing these days?

According to their performance records on their web site not real well.

They and their clients must be feeling the pain of underperforming their original 2007 benchmark, the Nasdaq.

But why change the benchmark to the FTSE? could it be that the Nas has outperformed their fund picking and switching abilities...ouch!

In fact the SP500 and just about every other sector has returned around twice what the Sutherland Boys have managed for their clients.

If the Sutherlands were that good why didn't they take Warren Buffetts $1,000,000 challenge?

There's a reason why switching and ditching funds underperforms, something the Sutherland Boys and their clients are finding out.

Liquid Millionaire, drying up?

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