mardi 11 avril 2017

Find a great mentor

A great mentor will show you the ropes of succesful trading .A great mentor will have the following qualities

a)understands high probability trading and it's implications
b)Understands trading phsychology i.e stress reponses , emotions and body conditions etc etc.He has failed because of this trading phsychology , and is able to explain real trading and how phsychology affects your trading
c)has failed at real trading on live accounts , understands real market behaviour of choppy markets , trend failures , extremely volatile and unpredictable markets.He has experiened a) and b) and can devote time to you.
d)is down to earth and detailed about trading phsychology and high probability trading
e)Will provide a K I S S (keep it simple stupid) high probability method , the human brain is wired to lose in the markets ,therefore it is important to have a K I S S method
f)Understands market timing and find a method to time the markets

Do some google research on the following
"stress reponses , hippocampus,amygdala hijack "
"human brain is wired to lose in the markets"
"is it possible to time the market"
"choppy markets trend failures"

This is a great thread to read

Design a high probability method around the above or get help from a great mentor to find such a method .Go to youtube and listen to phsychology videoes about trading patience, trading emotions ,amygdala hijack , stress reponses , trader's personality , reactive patterns , the need to be right , perfectionist and other emotional arousals during trading like frustrations , anger at trades /market behaviour , revenge trading , reactive patterns etc etc

Do your homework and you will find sucess and consistent success.::clap:

Find a great mentor

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