samedi 15 avril 2017

Gold and Silver for Life

Came across the above 'strategy' by a Minesh Bhindi offered as a course costing about $15k!!! You read that right $15k (either you pay outright, or you pay about $6k now and pay the balance when you make $100k in profit). As far as I am concerned, the financial markets have been around for hundred of years and I don't believe there actually any new strategy out there that's never been done before. What these self-proclaimed gurus do is rehash, repackage and gloss over already existing strategies and sell it to the unsuspecting public for thousands of pounds. What is quite annoying about it is that they all claim that they are making buckets load of money and are just trying to give back to the community and help the common man against the supposed greedy institutions. Who exactly is greedy here!

Anyways, from what I can glean from his website, it basically involves buying gold and silver at below market value, and generating monthly income from them whilst waiting for the price to go up, so looks like some kind of options trading is involved. So just wanted to know whether anybody has an idea what this 'his strategy' might be about (i.e. how he might buy the gold and silver 'below market value', and how he generates monthly income from them -though option selling or what?), as I am sure it is nothing new, just probably not common knowledge out there, and I am always looking few new angles, as you never stop learning in this game. Thanks

Gold and Silver for Life

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